Dear Group

I thought that it would be a good idea to set up a blog for the ICFE preparation course and I welcome relevant contributions that will help the group to share information and to communicate in English on a daily basis.

Using this blog should also cut down on the amount of paper content during the course!

If you have any problems using this blog please let me know.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Unit 8 Banking: Tier 1 capital

From CUP resources: 

What is it?

A bank’s assets can be categorised according to how risky they are. Tier 1 capital is considered the least risky, followed by less reliable capital in tier 2. A bank with high tier 1 capital is considered more stable (from a regulator’s perspective), better able to sustain future losses and less likely to collapse. Tier 1 capital includes equity capital (= money invested by shareholders, which the shareholders cannot withdraw at will) and disclosed reserves (= the bank’s own money). The bank itself has complete control over both equity capital and disclosed reserves, so there is no risk of unpleasant surprises.

Why is it in the news?

Governments around the world are currently attempting to reduce the riskiness of their banks, in order to avoid the need for future bailouts from public finances. This means banks will be expected to hold much more tier 1 capital than before. At the G20 meeting in Toronto, leaders pledged that “the quality of capital will be significantly improved to reinforce banks' ability to absorb losses”. The ratio of a bank’s core tier one capital to its risk-weighted assets, which is currently 2 per cent, is expected to double and could rise further.  In some countries, such as the UK, there will be a new banking levy, but Tier 1 capital will be exempt from the tax.


The BIS press release (last link below) spells out the requirements for capital to be included in Tier 1. Although it is a short press release, it contains large amounts of financial jargon.

Why are governments so keen to improve the quality of banks’ capital? What is the best way to achieve this? Will the current measures work? What will be negative impact (on banks, on borrowers, etc.) when banks have to hold more safe capital?

Where can I read about it?

  • TEXT - Extracts from G20 Toronto Communiqué, Reuters, June 27th 2010.
  • Chancellor’s tax may not reduce risk, Financial News, June 28th 2010.
  • Will banks' medicine kill them (and us)?, BBC News, June 25th 2010.
  • G20 backs drive for crackdown on banks, Financial Times, June 27th 2010.
  • G20 summit: UK banks told to boost funds by £130bn, Telegraph, June 28th 2010. 
  • Tier 1 capital, Wikipedia.
  • Instruments eligible for inclusion in Tier 1 capital, Bank for International Settlements (BIS),  

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